Profit center hierarchy

Profit center hierarchy in a controlling area contains all the profit centers in it. To create/change the hierarchy structure, it can be done in Profit Center Accounting or Customizing for Profit Center Accounting.

Creating Profit Center Hierarchy –

Step-1: Go to transaction KCH1.

Profit center hierarchy

Go to Accounting → Controlling → Profit Center Accounting → Master Data → Profit Center Group → Create.

Profit center hierarchy

Step-2: Select the Controlling Area and click on tick mark to proceed.

Profit center hierarchy

Step-3: Enter Profit Center Group name and press Hierarchy button.

Profit center hierarchy

Step-4: Enter the Short Description for the profit center group and click on Lower Level button to add next level profit center group.

Profit center hierarchy

Step-5: To add Profit Centers, click on Profit Center button.

Profit center hierarchy

Step-6: Enter the Profit Centers and click on Save button.

Profit center hierarchy

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