
Dunning component used to create and send payment reminders or dunning letters to business partners to remind them of overdue payables and to request payment. Dunning system can be mapped using the following two concepts –

  • Dunning by Dunning Procedure for Insurance Companies
  • Collections Management

Dunning program configures for accounts receivable and accounts payable.

Dunning Program includes below configuration steps:

  • Dunning procedure
  • Dunning level
  • Dunning Areas

Dunning procedure controls the path of dunning to the customer and vendor through the system. Dunning level defines dunning text. Dunning area means the client/company/company code in which dunning program using.

Perform Dunning Run: –

Step-1: Enter the transaction code F150 in the SAP command field and click Enter to continue.



Go to SAP Menu → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivables → Periodic processing → F150 – Dunning.


Step-2: In the next screen, enter the below details.

  • Dunning run date
  • Dunning run Identification


Step-3: In the same screen, enter the below details in Parameters tab.

  • Dunning Date
  • Documents posted up to
  • Company Code for dunning
  • Customers/vendors to be dunned


Step-4: Click on Save to save the dunning parameters.


Step-5: Schedule the Dunning run by clicking the Schedule button.


Step-6: In the next screen, select the printer to print the dunning notices generated.


Step-7: In the next screen, schedule the time of dunning run.


Step-8: Check the status of dunning run, in Status tab.


Now, the dunning notice can be found in the spool.

Technical Information: –

  • Transaction Code: – F150
  • Navigation path: – SAP Menu → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivables → Periodic processing → F150 – Dunning

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