Configuring Transport Layers


Transport Layer used to group the object changes of similar kinds. Transport layers are assigned to all objects coming from DEV system. The layers are required for consolidation transport routes. But not required to delivery transport routes.

Configuring Transport Layers –

Step-1: Go to STMS transaction.

Configuring Transport Layers

Step-2: Click on Overview -> Transport Routes.

Configuring Transport Layers

Step-3: It navigates to the “Display Transport Routes”.

Configuring Transport Layers

Click on “Configuration -> DisplayChange” to create a transport layer.

Configuring Transport Layers

Step-4: In this case, we are creating transport layer between DEV and PROD. Click on “Edit -> Transport Layer -> Create” to create transport layer between Dev and PROD.

Configuring Transport Layers

Step-5: It opens a new dialog box. Enter the transport layer name, description and click on right mark to proceed.

Configuring Transport Layers

Step-6: New Transport layer is created like shown below. Click on Save button to save the changes.

Configuring Transport Layers

Step-7: Click on “yes” to activate on across all the systems.

Configuring Transport Layers

Now, the transport layer is available across all the systems in the group.

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