Material listing (inclusion) or exclusion used to control which materials specific customers can or cannot buy. Material listing lists which materials a customer can buy. Material exclusion lists which materials a customer cannot buy and the customer can’t order excluded materials.
A material listing is created for a customer and the customer can only buy the materials contained in the list. The system does not allow any materials to be entered if they are not contained in the material listing. Material listing/exclusion is controlled with the condition technique.
If no records exist for material listing, the sold-to party buy the same materials as the payer. If there is a material listing record specific to the sold-to party, the sold-to party can only buy the materials permitted in the list. By default, the system takes exclusion list first and then listing.
T-code for entering Listing / Exclusion: –
- VB01 – create
- VB02 – change
- VB03 – display
Material Listing (Inclusion): –
Below process is to create inclusion listing for a customer 100226 –
Step-1: Enter the transaction code VB01 in the SAP command field and click Enter to continue.
Navigate to SAP Menu → Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Products → Listing/Exclusion → VB01 – Create.
Step-2: Select the List/excl.type and click on Enter.
Step-3: It opens a dialog. Select the Customer/Material radio button and click on right mark.
Step-4: Enter the below details and click on Save button.
- Customer – Enter the customer code
- Valid From – Enter the Inclusion effective date
- Valid To – Enter the inclusion expiry date
- Material – Add the materials to the inclusion list
Step-5: Status bar displays the below message once the material inclusion list created successfully.
Material Exclusion: –
Below process is to create exclusion listing for a customer 100227 –
Step-1: Enter the transaction code VB01 in the SAP command field and click Enter to continue.
Navigate to SAP Menu → Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Products → Listing/Exclusion → VB01 – Create.
Step-2: Select the List/excl.type and click on Enter.
Step-3: Enter the below details and click on Save button.
- Customer – Enter the customer code
- Valid From – Enter the Inclusion effective date
- Valid To – Enter the inclusion expiry date
- Material – Add the materials to the exclusion list
Step-4: Status bar displays the below message once the material exclusion list created successfully.
Technical details: –
- Transaction: VB01
- Menu Path: SAP Menu → Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Products → Listing/Exclusion → VB01 – Create