Every posting object may not have assigned to the profit center and it may happen that some objects system are unintentionally left without an assignment to a profit center. In this case, postings to accounts are assigned to the dummy profit center of the controlling area.
The dummy profit center is the default profit center when the corresponding object has not been assigned to a specific profit center. In other words, Dummy profit center is mandatory for all the postings which do not have profit center defined in it. Dummy profit center used to find out which objects are not assigned to profit center. This could be achieved by analysing the postings assigned to dummy profit center.
The posting data can asses or distribute from dummy profit center to the desired profit centers. User should not assign data intentionally to dummy profit center for allocating it later. If required, define a separate “allocation profit center” for this purpose.
Assessment Cost Element Creation –
Below process explains creating Dummy Profit Center 9999 (Test Dummy Profit Center).
Step-1: Enter the transaction code KE59 in the SAP command field and click Enter to continue.
Enter the transaction code SPRO in the SAP command field and click Enter to continue.
Click on SAP Reference IMG.
Expand SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Controlling → Profit Center Accounting → Master Data → Profit Center → Create Dummy Profit Center .
Click on Execute.
In the next screen, select EC PCA: Create Dummy Profit Center and click on Choose button.
Step-2: – In the next screen, enter controlling Area and click on Right Mark button.
Step-3: – In the next screen, enter Dummy profit Center and Click on Basic Data.
Step-4: – In the next screen, enter the below details and press Enter.
- Name — Specify the name of the Dummy Profit Center
- Long Text — Specify Description of the Dummy Profit Center
- Person Responsible — Specify the responsible person name.
- Profit Center Group — Specify the profit center group name.
Step-5: – Click on Save button to save the changes.
Step-6: – Status bar displays the below message once the dummy profit center created successfully.
Technical details –
- Transaction: KE59
- Menu Path: SPRO → SAP Reference IMG → SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Controlling → Profit Center Accounting → Master Data →
Profit Center → Create Dummy Profit Center